The Academies Financial Handbook requires all Academy Trusts to have a programme of Internal Scrutiny to provide independent assurance to the Trust Board that its financial and non-financial controls and risk management procedures are operating effectively.
Our team at ApC have experience of working with the academy sector and can provide an independent, objective and highly professional Internal Scrutiny Programme to provide advice and support to the Trust Board, address areas for improvement and ensure that the statutory requirements are met.
Our experience has shown that all academies have different risk profiles, therefore we will work with you in order to develop a programme that suits your individual needs. If you are unsure of where to begin contact us to discuss your requirements and suggest possible areas for review. The scrutiny will be directed by the scheme of work agreed by the Audit Committee.
Our Internal Scrutiny Programme and report will provide the Trust Board and senior leaders with the assurance that all areas of financial and non-financial risks of the academy have been reviewed. Following each review, the Trust Board will be provided with a report of our findings and any recommendations, a summary report will be produced annually, which is required to be submitted with your audited accounts by the 31 December deadline.
The areas of review could include:
Financial Review:
- Financial Management
- Financial Reporting
- Financial Governance
- Review of Banking
- Income Review
- Asset Management
- Payroll Review
- Efficiency, Budgeting and Funding
- Procurement Management
- Reliability of Management Information.
Non-Financial Review:
- Risk Register and Risk Management Process
- Governance Structure and Regulatory Compliance
- Safe Guarding
- Central Records
- Statutory Information
- Health and Safety
- ICT System Security
- Premises Management
- Financial Health Checks
- Pupil Premium
- Pupil Assessment Curriculum Review
For more information about our Internal Scrutiny Service or to discuss your requirements please contact Nicki Kerry on 01623 657111 or e-mail